Letter to the Editor: “Israeli use of Cobra and Apache helicopters against Jenin”

Here’s a letter to the editor of the New York Times that Sheila wrote in 2002:

To the Editor:

Jimmy Carter reminds us that American weapons supplied to the Israeli government are to be used for defensive purposes only, “a legal requirement,” he observes, “certainly being violated in the recent destruction in Jenin and other towns of the West Bank” (Op-Ed, April 21).

Media accounts abound of Israeli use of Cobra and Apache helicopters against Jenin: indeed, in an April 18 news article you reported finding debris with English stenciling near the body of an elderly woman apparently killed in an Apache missile attack on the refugee camp there. The United Nations is investigating the catastrophic events in Jenin. Congress will be shamefully shirking responsibility if it fails to inquire into the use of American weapons in Israel’s recent attacks on West Bank cities, villages and refugee camps.

New York, April 21, 2002

— From “Peace, Morality and the Mideast“, New York Times, April 23, 2002

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