Yearly Archives: 1983

1983: Part of a Left-Wing Church Network

This anti-communist screen from the 1990s perpetuates the inaccuracy that Sheila had been in the Weather Underground:

In 1983 the 60 minutes news program aired a segment by Morley Safer reporting on the support the NCC [National Council of Churches] has given to left-wing causes around the world… The Methodist Church was funding the Palestine Liberation Organization through its support groups in this country including the Palestine Solidarity Committee and the Middle East Resource Center reportedly directed by Sheila Ryan, a former member of the Weather Underground.

— From “Anti-Americanism: Irrational and Rational“, by Paul Hollander, Transaction Publishers (1995)

Anti-Americanism, Irrational & Rational, p 117

1983: Book Reviews for “Race and Class”

Sheila wrote the April 1983 book review column for the journal “Race and Class”:

Race and Class, April 1983

Race and Class (SAGE Publications): Ryan, S., (1983 April) Book reviews : The Battle of Beirut: why Israel invaded Lebanon. By MARTIN JANSEN (London, Zed Press, 1982). 142 pages. £4.50. ‘Lebanon Eyewitness’, By MARTIN PERETZ in The New Republic (2 August 1982). ‘J’Accuse’ By NORMAN PODHORETZ in Commentary (September 1982). ‘Lebanon: the case for the war’ By ROBERT W. TUCKER in Commentary (October 1982). 24 (4), 485-493